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Writer's pictureAnna Browning


Hold out your hand,

I have something offer.

Why do you turn away?

It is a gift

That will not bite or scratch;

There are no thorns to catch

Your skin,

Though if you swallow it

It may yet leave a mark.

I grew it in my garden,

You will be surprised to hear.

Sowed the seed long ago,

Watered it and let it grow,

Nurtured it and fertilized

The soil around its roots,

Pruned it back

To see new shoots

Appear each year;

And now it has borne fruit

Which I have here

And freely give to you.

Why do you shake your head?

It will not poison you

Like Snow White’s apple,

Or make you choke,

Nor shrink you down like Alice.

Will you not take it?

It is a guide, a map, a light,

Rapunzel's hair let down,

A trail of breadcrumbs,

To lead you through the night.

I ask nothing for it,

Want nought in return

And you don’t have to

thank me at all -

Just reach out your hand,

Oh beautiful youth,

Swallow your pride

And take what I proffer.

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