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  • Writer's pictureAnna Browning

On Hold

Thank you for calling,

Your call is important to us,

Please hold the line…

The line stretches from here to eternity -

Gossamer thin, I hold it between my

Thumb and forefinger,

Try not to lose my grip...

Thank you for your patience

All of our agents are busy right now,

You are in a queue.

Time swirls, loops back,

expands, contracts,

and I feel myself slip

through the cracks of my waiting…

Did you know –

Our website has a frequently asked question page?

You might prefer to find your answer there.

Why is it so dark and cold?

Where has the hope gone

that I was dressed in as a child and

will I find peace?

Your call will be answered shortly.

We are experiencing a

high volume of calls at the moment.

I am called at last - I hear your voice

Cut through the thronging chorus:

a siren song for the soul

Reaching across the universe...

All calls are recorded for training purposes –

You’re through to Peter,

How can I help?

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