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  • Writer's pictureAnna Browning

Bouncing Back

Updated: May 3, 2023

Remember that once you were elastic, That you could stretch yourself thin as a Reed that bends and bows in the wind And relax back into shape on a whim.

Remember that you could curl yourself tight Like an ammonite in rock Only to ping back to life Like a leaf unfurled in Spring.

Remember that long ago the child that you were Could throw themselves into the air Carefree and wild and land On both feet somewhere new.

Now we are older we fear to fly That if we try we may fail, And fall from the sky in a ball Of feathers and molten wax: That we will not bounce back.

But somewhere inside us still is the Leaf, the reed, the elastic band; Just out of view, but not out of reach Is the brave and fearless you.

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