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Well, hello there!

Creative writing as a mindful activity, helps me to maintain my mental health and well-being. Through poetry and prose I can organise my jumbled turbulent thoughts and reflect on the emotions and themes I see emerging. 

I publish them so readers who are experiencing similar thoughts and challenges know they are not the only one, so they can remember joy and so they too can see the glint of light in dark times. 

If you read something and enjoy it, please leave a like or a  comment. If you wish to use something I have written, then I appreciate it if you credit me and  -if you can afford it - buy me a coffee: the link is at the top of this page!

Thank you!

Anna Browning: author
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About the writer...

black labrador

The writer is someone who has tinkered with words her whole life, but to date has not been published. She is inspired by many things, but the Cornish coast is definitely one of the most important and crops up again and again. She is also very fond of the North Yorkshire Moors, the Lake District and the Peak District. At heart she is a country woman, so you will find lots of plants, birds and bits of folklore in her work - and a black labrador called Holly who is much missed. 

You may also detect signs of someone changing their life and discovering who they are after 30 years of teaching the wonders of the English language and its literature to largely uninterested kids. The writer doesn't blame them for being less than thrilled with GCSE English: it is as dry as dust!

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